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Image by Esteban López

Justin Calvino

Entrepreneur Innovator Activist

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Justin is an entrepreneur and innovator in the cannabis space. He is an activist and a driver in the regenerative living and regenerative agriculture movements. He is also the funder of the Angel round, and the vision for Emerald Road.


Justin founded The Mendocino Appellation Project which created the world’s first cannabis appellation map that mirrors the authentic French wine bottle with D.O.C. designations. Through his consultancy, Medicine Garden West, he helps other cannabis regions and farmers create their own Appellation of Origin designation by guiding them through the process of creating standards of practices, drawing maps, cataloging the traditional knowledge component, and identifying key expressions of each phenotype. He guides brands in creating a go-to-market strategy based on a unique estate-grown approach to cannabis. 


Justin is a founding member of The Ganjier Council, the cannabis sommelier certification program, and is an instructor who teaches "Unraveling the Mysteries of Cannabis Genetics," and explains the secret to reading a cannabis plant and how each plant is a reflection of the person that grew it and an expression of the environment that nurtured it.

Founder Of



The Emerald Road Cypto-exclusive
e-commerce platform

The Emerald Road is a multi-level digital platform providing B2B payment and business solutions while connecting consumers with branded cannabis products, elevated content, education, and a dynamic digital community through a crypto-exclusive POS (point-of-sale) mobile app for B2C licensed cannabis transactions.

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